Saturday, November 14, 2009

Anyone who produces kids like crazy but can't take care of them should be forcibly sterilized?

I'm sorry but I'm going on a rant today. People who make babies like rabbits but then don't take care of them financially make me sick.

Ex, polygamous men who in the name of their religion make 30 kids with 4 women and yet all his wives are on welfare. Single moms barely making it with 6 kids getting pregnant again while on welfare. Men who have 5 different baby mamas yet don't pay a dime or see their kids. Poor working couples who choose to have 8 kids while living in a 1bdrm apartment. People who choose to start a second family when they know they can't even afford to pay for their kids from the first marriage.

Everyone knows that sexual, emotional, and physical abuse is a evil crime but for some reason financial abuse is given a free slid. Not being able to provide for your kids with good dental, medical, healthy fresh groceries, heat, hydro, school items, clothes, personal items, shelter, furniture, toys, enough living space, health supplies etc is ABUSE.

Anyone who produces kids like crazy but can't take care of them should be forcibly sterilized?
Yes its called Eugenics. You should look it up.

The Nazi thought it was a good idea too!!! Yeah for Nazi's!!!!

Whatever you fascist.
Reply:And what's your question?
Reply:MAYBE not sterilized but the children need good homes.
Reply:You need to get over it...That is the way the world can vent about it all you want... but... it isn't going to change anytime soon.. I understand your animosity...but you have to remember we don't live in a perfect world...
Reply:i haveto say i agree with you. people need to stop having sex if they can't afford it. or wear a mother ******* condom, i mean seriously, come on, people are so freaking idiotic. when i was in midd. school, 2 girls got pregnant. one of 'em twice and she killed the baby cause she stopped eating. they were mexican and with no heart at all. im mexican and i have to say i hate them.
Reply:Forced sterilization. Sure, why not. Nobody in history every did something like that, did they, Adolf.

Nah. Take a look in the papers. There's hundreds of thousands of families who want to adopt kids because they're unable to have their own.

Oh and last I checked, being poor isn't "abuse".
Reply:Awwww someone needs a hug.
Reply:I agree, they should make a law to (fix) those that can't take care of their responsibilities. I as a single/in a relationship mother and I am taking care of my only child with little or no help from the father. He also has two other children by two different women other than myself. They fix animals so this doesn't happen. Its not fair to the children to suffer for all the idiot parents. It's not easy for me but i do it because i have a responsibility to my child to take care of him. If you can't do that you should get fixed and give your children to someone who will love them and take care of them.
Reply:I agree. When I hear of people doing this, it makes me sick. Not only do they not take care of them but the fact that they are having sexual relations with several other people is really bad. To make matters worse these kids are probably subject to this sexual activity because they are uncontrolled or not cared for. My friend adopted 4 children several years ago who had been in this situation. Their mother was, to put it bluntly, a whore and they had to watch as their mother had sex with alot of different men. I'm sure that these children were sexually abused and they now carry that sexual interest that their mother did, they have even been caught on several occasions with having sexual relations with each other, and they are brothers. This is sick and wrong and the only cause is their mother's sick thinking.
Reply:Are you saying being poor is abusive? Now I've heard it all. No, I don't agree with people having children when they won't work and live off welfare. However, I grew up poor, my kids are growing up fairly poor, and you know what, we're just fine. My kids learned to work hard, help people out that need it, and not to look their noses down on others who don't have very much. Your attitude tells me you never had to clean bathrooms for a living, or wait on some snotty customer at a restaurant, or assemble the same thing, over and over, for 10 straight hours. You think the world revolves around you, but what would you do without those of us who "financially abuse" our kids? Who would fix your car, or wash your clothes, or defend your country? Would you even know how to live without electricity, gas, guess what, I do. Maybe you should be sterilized.
Reply:ok ok hold your horses.


and hello what about the millions of families who want to adopt?

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